Tuesday, December 16, 2008

May the Power of Christ Compel You

So the holidays are pretty much around that proverbial god damn corner. And yet here I am unable to get into spirit... or at least I was. Ever since Thanksgiving I have somewhat lost my holiday spirit, everything just seemed so dull and pointless, like those played out songs on the radio. I craved for something more, new, fresh, and yet I could not quench these said thirsts for a reason unknown even to myself. That is until a few days ago when I went to my local church, Saint John's Baptist (or as I've caught myself referring to it as 'SJB'), for their yearly 10 days before Christmas celebration, also known more popularly as Simbang Gabi, considering that most of the people who attend the SJB's masses are Filipino like myself. Any way, the point is I've been going around with a Scrooge complex for the past 2-3 weeks and it just so happens that my visit to church has shown me the 3 Christmas spirits of the past, present, and now. There was something in the air that night, perhaps it was the aura of friends that shared their faith, maybe because I went on my own damn freewill, kisas it was because I just needed some light shed on me to get me into the holidays. Now here I am, scrooge-free, and pumped for the mother fudgin holidays. This is all the result of going to church, so moral of the story:
Get your ass to the nearest Church pronto.

While we're on the topic of the Holidays, I would like to say I just wanna get my ass up to the mountains ASAP, gifts can wait, since all I really want are some new clothes to my standard and a bit of cash for those adolescent needs. Along this list I would like to request some simple down times with some important people, my friends of course. For a while I've been wishing for a simple Christmas, just a simple Christmas where its just the spouses and the off springs in their simple habitat. Unfortunately I won't be getting that this year, just the same old huge family gathering in a cramped house at a relatives home I'm barely familiar with. Maybe the reason why I'm wishin for a simple Christmas this year is because I've lost sight of my basics. I couldn't get into Holiday spirit because I forgot the basics of Christmas, maybe I can't get into the idea of huge unnecessary gatherings for Christmas because I've lost sight of what it is to have a private Christmas.

And here we are, never did find time to finish the rest of this blog so might as well finish it up now, ended getting what i wanted for Christmas. Thats right it was all thanks to the blessing of a 12 year old Dodge Durango breaking down when 'we' needed it most. You just gotta love how things turn out in the end. All thats left now is those simple down times with mon copains and what not. Damn... gonna be 16 soon.

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